إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


in  Article 1 takes up its duties, and the following provisions substituted therefor:

`Article 21

1. The European Parliament shall consist of delegates who shall be designated  by the respective parliaments from among their members in accordance with  the procedure laid down by each Member State.

2. The number of these delegates shall be as follows:

Germany               36

Belgium                 14

France                     36

Italy                        36

Luxembourg              6

Netherlands             14

3. The European Parliament shall draw up proposals for elections by direct  universal suffrage in accordance with a uniform procedure in all Member  States.

The Council shall, acting unanimously, lay down the appropriate provisions,  which it shall recommend to Member States for adoption in accordance with  their respective constitutional requirements



Article 3

The jurisdiction which the Treaty establishing the European Economic  Community and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy

